What We Do For You

We Represent You

We represent you in Washington, DC. What that means is that we will be on Capital Hill, walking “the halls of Congress”, and informing you about what is going on in terms of your constitutional concerns, and legislation that you support;

We will change term limits

We will bring term limits legislation to local, state and federal government. For too long many local, state and federal bodies ruled with no term limits. This is why congressional legislators in Washington, DC have overstayed their welcomes and their span of control;

We will promote Constitutional Education

We will help bring Constitutional Ed (also constitutional civics and history) to all levels or education, local, state and federal. To accomplish this we will be partnering with other organizations to make change by working with governments and educators across the country.

We will lobby for Constitutional Education for Legislators

We will prepare legislation requiring local, state, and federal politicians to take a university level Constitutional course before swearing oath to the U.S. Constitution. Our lawmakers must have a knowledge of the Constitution before they can make decisions affecting your lives.